In case you don't know me yet, I'm CJ Ackley. And I've helped hundreds of online business owners scale their high ticket offers beyond 6, 7, and some even 8 figures with paid traffic.
Here’s how we did it for them:
Step 1:
Get extremely clear on who their buyers are. (those are the people we want to put on the phones with the closers)
This involves getting a deeper understanding of their pains, frustrations, and most desperate desires.
Step 2:
Plug in our Interception Funnel with their assets, logo, and branding.
This funnel has earned millions in revenue for our clients and it works very well with high ticket offers.
And it works like this:
Opt in > Call Offer VSL > Application Grading System > Calendar Page > Sales Call
The call offer VSL includes a unique retargeting system called a “UP Campaign” which begins showing people ads to build “undeniable proof” in the prospect that the offer they showed interest in…
1. Will 100% work to solve their problem
2. Is Better/Faster/Easier/Safer than any other solution to their problem
These ads get shown to people before they ever get on the call, nurturing them to be pre-sold and more excited to show up.
The Application Grading System works to train the algorithm to bias towards placing ads in front of ONLY ideal prospects by passing hyros data on only the highest grade apps back to the platform, and leaving the other ones out.
Step 3:
Write 4 different styles of ads to find a winning concept.
We ran 3 of the same hooks with each piece of body copy, and put them in a dynamic with a few different images and headlines.
Then launched those dynamics to 4 different audiences at $1,000 / day.
We call this type of testing “Incubation”.
Once the algorithm started to dial in, we could breakdown the ads and clearly see winning combinations.
We put them together in 1 Production Campaign and ran it with our 2 best audiences.
Out of the gate the ads start filling the calendars with qualified calls.
And the application quality is over 75%.
They quickly begin closing deals from the ads we launched, and within 3 months they are hitting a record breaking 10.37 ROAS on over 33k of spend for the month.
While 10 ROAS isn’t typical (and not something you’ll do every month at scale) you can still have a wildly profitable business from paid traffic using these systems.
To your next record breaking month,